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5.7 原発やめろデモ 呼びかけ!!!!!!!

高円寺超巨大デモから1カ月! そして、大震災から早くも2カ月が経とうとしているが、いまだに福島原発事故は全然収まらない!

テ レビや新聞では、なんだか沈静化しているようなことばかり言ってるが、よくよく考えてみたら全然そんなことなく、事態はなにも好転していない! むしろ、 相変わらず放射能をまきちらして汚染は拡大しているし、そもそも事態収束の目処は一切立ってない! そして、いまも水や土、海、草木、動物、そして人間に も被害を与え続けていると思うと、やっぱり、危なすぎる! こわすぎる!

こんな事態を引き起こす原発なんて、どう考えても要らないね!! 海外ではこれを機に続々と原発離れが進んでいるのに、日本ではいまだに原発をやめようとしていない。原発はエコでも安全でもなかったことが明らかになったんだから、一刻も早く消え去ってもらわないと困る!





5月7日(土)14時 代々木公園ケヤキ並木集合 15時デモ出発
It is one month since the huge demo in Koenji, and almost two months since the great disaster struck, but the situation in Fukushima is still anything but stable!

Newspapers and TV make it sound like everything is getting better, but if we stop and think about it, we realize how far this is from the truth. In fact, the situation hasn’t improved at all! If anything, radioactive matter is still leaking, the contamination is worsening and nobody even knows when this will be under control.

Meanwhile, the water, land, sea, plants, animals and of course us humans are paying the price. It’s more than enough to tell us that nuclear energy is just too dangerous and scary!

We must say no to any energy source that puts us in such a horrible situation. In other countries, the people have sized on this opportunity to realize the hazards of nuclear power, but Japan shows no intention to rethink their nuclear policy. We know now, more than ever, that nuclear energy was never safe or environmentally sound, and we need to get rid of it as soon as possible!

No kidding!

Following the demo in Kouenji, we will come together once again in a giant protest against nuclear power! Last time, all kinds of people including anxious Tokyoites, mothers and fathers worried about their kids, and refugees from the areas around the power plants joined the protest. This time we will see an even greater multitude taking to the streets to voice their disapproval!!

On May 7th, let’s head for Shibuya!!!



★デモに参加する皆さんへ 使い終わったてんぷら油を持ってきてください!




Created by staff01. Last modified on 2011-04-30 10:24:22 Copyright: Default


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