韓国公共連盟からの支援のお願い | |||||||
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韓国公共連盟からの支援要請です。 原文は後に添付しますが、韓国のゼネストへの弾圧を中断し、 彼らの闘争を支えるために、日本の労働者に以下のような行動が要請されています。
2002:3:1追加: "激励メッセージ送信":formmail のページから、散開ストライキを続けている発電労組闘争本部への支援メールを送ることができます。 Call to Action! Dear Working Brothers and Sisters All Around the World, We send our deepest solidarity to your struggles for workers' rights. At the moment, the Korean government is attempting to privatise and sell off to foreign monopoly capital, most of Korea's core national industries including the railway, gas and electricity. The number of workers concerned amounts to 30,000, who are on the verge of being laid-off 130,000 public sector workers -100,000 from KPSU, 25,000 railway workers and 3,000 gas workers- have decided to go on a general strike as of 9:00am 25th February 2002, to resist against the government. The Korean government and workers are in tense conflict, because the government is not showing willingness to solve the present situation through dialogue. Instead, on 22nd it held a meeting of security-related ministers, promising austere measures in case of an illegal strike. The government is making attempts to arrest union leaders and rid of the unions. When we go on strike, it is for certain that hundreds of union leaders will be arrested and our unions will be sued for compensations. We, the Korean workers, thus ask in urgency for the solidarity and support of workers all around the world. We ask for your support through the following actions:
In Solidarity, Korean Federation of Transportation, Public & Social Services Workers Unions(KPSU) Created byStaff. Created on 2002-02-28 18:32:04 / Last modified on 2005-09-05 08:14:02 Copyright: Default 世界のニュース | 韓国のニュース | 上の階層へ |