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Support workers at Tokyo curry shops facing job losses, demanding unpaid wages

Indian and Bangladeshi workers at curry restaurants in Tokyo are on the brink of job and housing losses as the holding company decided to close the restaurants as of June 20. 15 workers of Shanti, an Indian curry chain with five outlets in Tokyo, have not been paid properly for last two years, not at all this year. Many of them lost accommodation due to a fire in February and have since been staying in the restaurants. The president of the company recently demanded them in writing to leave by June 17, while the workers maintain that they are willing to leave as soon as they receive the salaries and overtime totaling 62.96 million yen the company owes to them. They have filed complaints at a labor standard office in Tokyo to recover the unpaid wages through negotiation, but the company has not responded so far. The difficulties of the workers who are threatened with eviction are exacerbated by the lack of their abilities in the Japanese language. Some customers who are supporting these workers have opened a Twitter account to disseminate information. Follow @support4shanti and support the workers!

Created by staff01. Last modified on 2016-06-17 12:15:18 Copyright: Default


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