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処刑の危機に直面しているイランのクルド人教師、ファルザッド・カマンガルさんを救おう | ||||||
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今年の2月25日、33歳のカマンガルさんはイラン革命法廷により死刑を宣告された。その裁判は非公開で数分で終わり、公正な裁判の国際な水準だけではなくイランの水準さえ満たしていなかった。「カマンガルさんのこれまで刑事記録を見ても彼に掛けられて容疑とのつながりを示す証拠は何もない。」と弁護士のバーラミヤンさんは語っている。捜査の過程ではカマンガルに掛けられた全ての容疑は消えていた。 教育インターナショナル、国際労働組合総連合(ITUC)、国際運輸労連(ITF)、アムネスティ・インターナショナル、レイバースタートの諸団体はイラン当局に対して死刑の減刑と、公正な再審を要請している。 「レイバースターツ」(英)の記事からの第2回翻訳ーレイバーネット日本国際部 Iran: Save the life of Farzad KamangarPlease join with the thousands of trade unionists and human rights defenders around the world who are mobilising in defence of Farzad Kamangar, an Iranian Kurdish teacher and trade unionist who is at risk of execution. Education International received information from reliable sources that on 26 November Kamangar was taken from his cell 121 in ward 209 of Tehran's Evin prison in preparation for execution by hanging. However, the latest information is that he is still alive and was able to meet with his lawyer on 27 November for the first time in over two months. His situation remains precarious nonetheless. Kamangar, aged 33, was sentenced to death by the Iranian Revolutionary Court on 25 February 2008 after a trial which took place in secret, lasted only minutes, and failed to meet Iranian and international standards of fairness. His lawyer, Kahlil Bahramian, said: "Nothing in Kamangar's judicial files and records demonstrates any links to the charges brought against him." Indeed, Kamangar was initially cleared of all charges during the investigation process. Education International, the International Trade Union Confederation, the International Transport Workers Federation, Amnesty International and LabourStart are appealing to the Iranian authorities to commute the death sentence and ensure his case is reviewed fairly.Created by takaheims. Last modified on 2008-11-30 22:01:49 Copyright: Default |