LNJ Logo 世界経済フォーラム2002に対抗する米国労働者〜AFL-CIOサンフランシスコ労働評議会の反WEF決議〜
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 そして今回も、世界経済フォーラムが行われるウォルドーファストリア(Waldorf Astoria、マンハッタンの Park Avenue にあるアールデコ様式建築の超豪華ホテル)周辺で、2月2日に巨大なデモが行われるだろう。これは、9・11の悲劇以来、米国で行われる初の巨大な反グローバリゼーション抗議となる。この同じ日、ブラジルのポルトアレグレでは、世界社会フォーラムが開催される。これは、世界中から何万という人々が集まり、世界経済フォーラムの野蛮な経営者アジェンダに対するオルタナティヴを議論するためである。つまり2月2日は、どん欲な企業に対する「国際抗議デー」となる。







Subject: SF Labor Council resolution of 12-17-01

Support the February 2002 Anti-Globalization Demonstration

Whereas, from January 31 to February 4, corporate bosses from the world's largest transnational companies and political leaders will meet in New York City for their annual orld Economic Forum. In past years they met in Davos, Switzerland, to be met by massive demonstrations, and in the tradition of all the anti-corporate-globalization protests since Seattle, these have had the strong support of organized labor; and

Whereas, a mass demonstration will be held February 2, 2002 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, where the World Economic Forum is meeting
the first major protest against globalization in the U.S. since the September 11th tragedy -- on the same day as the World Social Forum is meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil, gathering many thousands of representatives from every corner of the world to discuss alternatives to the murderous corporate agenda: an International Day of Protest against corporate greed; and

Whereas, the politicians and media are calling on us all to come together and sacrifice in "the national interest". But behind the patriotic smokescreen is the reality that workers are being asked to sacrifice so the corporate rich can go on accumulating wealth; and

Whereas, since September 11th, hundreds of thousands of workers have lost their jobs. Unemployment and mass layoffs are sweeping through all sectors of the world economy.

Politicians are pushing billions of dollars in bailouts for investors and corporations, and huge corporate tax cuts
and pouring billions of the workers' tax dollars for an expanded war that could "last for years" -- but hardly a penny for increased unemployment benefits or to aid needy families, while slashing essential social programs and raiding the Social Security Trust Fund that workers depend on for retirement; and

Whereas, hunger, poverty and homelessness are spreading rapidly, and now is the time for labor and our allies in the anti-globalization movement to confront top Bush Administration officials and their corporate friends, as they meet at the Waldorf Astoria to plot more attacks on the world's working people. Now is the time to show that labor and our allies will not be cowed or confused by the aftermath of September 11th into abandoning our struggle against corporate globalization and its disastrous impact on working people;

Therefore be it resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO) endorse the February 2, 2002 demonstration at the World Economic Forum in New York against corporate globalization, unemployment, poverty, racism, mass layoffs and war, and to defend our union rights, civil rights and civil liberties, and participate in local planning and activities in connection with this International Day of Protest.

--Passed without opposition at the regular delegates meeting of the San Francisco Labor Council, December 17, 2001.



Created byStaff. Created on 2002-01-18 02:31:25 / Last modified on 2005-09-05 02:58:40 Copyright: Default


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