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韓国:民主労総国際部の呼び掛け | ||||||
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8/5に行われた残虐な双竜車ストライキへの弾圧について、民主労総が各国の労働者に向けて呼び掛けている。 以下は民主労総国際部からの呼び掛けの抄訳。 双竜自動車労働者への非常に危険な鎮圧! 組合員が生命の危険 ビデオをご覧ください: http://www.tagstory.com/video/video_post.aspx?media_id=V000348803 昨日、会社は工場外の支援者のテントを破壊し、金属労組副委員長を連行した。 これに対する抗議デモには600人から700人程度が参加した。 支援者は平和にデモ行進を行ったが、放水車による鎮圧で数十人が連行された。 ゴム弾、テイザーガンなどが使用された昨日の暴力的な鎮圧で数百人の労働者が負傷した。中には、転落して脊椎骨折などの重傷者もいる。 現在、労働者が籠城している塗装工場内には数千リットルの引火性物質があり、非常に危険な状態だ。 以下の点を韓国政府に訴えてほしい。
金属労組(KMWU) 民主労総(KCTU) -------------------原文----------------- From: KCTU/Lee Changgeun Date: 2009/8/5 Subject: [kctupower] Extraordinarily Dangerous Raid against Ssangyong Motor Workers! Our union members' lives are at stake. Stop Brutal Raid against the Ssangyong Motor Workers! Our Union Members' Livers are at Stake! Please see video : http://www.tagstory.com/video/video_post.aspx?media_id=V000348803 Urgent update below (attached) Yesterday, the company goons ripped apart the shelters of solidarity supporters encamped outside the plant and arrested KMWU Vice President WOO, Byeong-kuk at the scene. When the news of the all-out raid spread, a swell of workers and students kept streaming to Pyeongtaek and spontaneous rallies began with first 100, then 200, then 600-700 . Right now supporters are peacefully marching to the plant and some two dozen are being arrested with police firing water cannons on the march. Currently, we have hundreds of injured sit-in workers with some extremely serious injuries such as spinal cord injury (from falling off roof of building when SWAT team began chasing the workers on the roof), from rubber bullets, taser gun shocks, and a fire broke out in the buildling next to the paintshop building. An all-out raid on a paintshop with hundreds of thousands of liters of flammable chemicals is incredibly risky and an excessively violent way to end the dispute ; it is deliberately putting the lives of our union members at risk Please call on the Korean government *
-> to participate in negotiations over alternatives to dismissal and a future for the plant . Our union members' lives are at stake. *- Any international solidarity actions should be taken in front of the Korean Embassy now (no more Ssangyong dealerships) - Any diplomatic pressure on the South korean government to stop this extraordinarily dangerous raid, to stop denying the sit-in strikers food, water, proper medical attention, electricity (they are treating each others wounds by candlelight) etc would be appreciated - Please send us photos of your action so we can let the workers inside the plant know in solidarity, Korean Metal Workers' Union(KMWU) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions(KCTU) Lee Changgeun International Executive Director Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Tel.: +82-2-2670-9234 Fax: +82-2-2635-1134 E-mail: inter@kctu.org Web-site : http://kctu.org 2nd Fl. Daeyoung Bld., 139 Youngdeungpo-2-ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul 150-032 Korea Created byStaff. Created on 2009-08-06 09:25:20 / Last modified on 2009-08-06 09:25:22 Copyright: Default 世界のニュース | 韓国のニュース | 上の階層へ |