イラク帰還兵がトランプ氏の「ヘイト」に抗議〜集会でバナー掲げる | |
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イラク帰還兵がトランプ氏の「ヘイトスピーチ」に抗議〜集会でバナー掲げる*「帰還兵は訴える。トランプ氏よ ヘイトスピーチをやめよ!」 浅井健治@週刊MDS編集部です。 (抜粋超訳) サウスカロライナでのバナー掲示は"帰還兵VSヘイト"という取り組みの始まりだった。こ れまでに3か所のトランプ陣営の集会を撹乱し、あらゆる年代の帰還兵たちにヘイトの扇 動の正当化に利用されることを拒否するようソーシャルメディアで呼びかけてきた。ムス リムの人びとを大切な友人と考えている私たちは、ヘイトに対して立ち上がり、「連帯」 という私たちの活動を広く知らせていかなければならない。 ニューハンプシャー州での集会の際、IVAWメンバーは数百人の前で候補者たちに、民間軍 事会社の政治的影響力から警察の軍隊化に至る重要問題について質問を浴びせた。秋の大 統領選に向けてミリタリズムの風潮が続く中、私たちは候補者たちと一般の米国民の双方 に、戦争とヘイトに対する私たちの抵抗の声を伝え続けていく。 トランプの集会を中断させた映像には何百万ものアクセスがあった。トランプのヘイトス ピーチへの反撃は人びとの心を打ち、全米の人びとが今や誰もどっちつかずの態度をとる ことはできないのだと分かったことはきわめて明白だ。今、行動の時だ。 戦争推進企業からのうのうと巨額の献金を受けている政治家たちを許さず、大統領候補者 たちがヘイトスピーチをまき散らすのを止める時だ。
(原文) You might have noticed over the last month that we have been pretty quiet via email and I wanted to let you in on why that is: Since February we made a rapid decision to address the growing hate speech in politics that has been most embodied by Donald Trump. Between a corporate media that is unquestioningly providing the presidential candidate a platform, the violence that he has promoted at his rallies, and his obvious ploy to use vets as props, we knew we had do something to push back. So eleven of us went down to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, infiltrated Trump's rally, and dropped a banner that read "MR. TRUMP: VETERANS ARE NOT YOUR PROPS FOR HATE, WE STAND WITH OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS." Help us continue the work of calling out hate That banner drop in South Carolina launched an effort we have named #VetsVsHate. This work has included disruptions at now three Trump rallies and a social media push to encourage other vets, of all generations, to join us in rejecting being tokenized in order to legitimize the campaign of hate being waged in our country. As an organization that values Muslims as our members, leaders, allies, and deep friends we knew we had to stand up to this hate and demonstrate a commitment that informs our work: Solidarity. Thankfully, our members had some practice taking a public stand at electoral events across the country. During New Hampshire's presidential town hall meetings, IVAW members put candidates on the spot in front of hundreds with critical questions on topics ranging from defense contractors' political influence to the militarization of police. As the rhetoric of militarism continues in the 2016 elections, we'll keep taking advantage of the opportunity to make veterans' resistance to war and hate heard both by candidates and by the American people. Support vets who refuse to be used as props When we launched #VetsVsHate with 11 vets in the room and the support of our allies at Beyond The Choir, we didn't know what to expect-- but the response that we have seen from veterans and allies across the country has been overwhelming. We have been able to post two videos so far about disrupting these rallies and they have had millions of views. It's become abundantly clear that pushing back against Trump's hate speech has struck a nerve and that people across the nation understand that this is a moment where no one can sit on the fence. This is a moment for action. Your contribution ensures we can continue to grow this work As the election year grinds along, we will continue to both call out hate where we see it and call out candidates who encourage unending war by being in the pockets of war profiteers. Thanks to your support in the past, right in this moment, and in the future, we will continue to shed light on the way vets are being used. It's time to stop politicians from getting away with taking massive amounts of money from companies who promote war making and candidates from spreading hate speech here at home. In Solidarity, Matt Howard P.S. If you are a veteran and want to get involved, take a picture of yourself with a sign explaining why this work is important to you and post it to Facebook or Twitter. Use the hashtag #VetsVsHate so we can find you. −ここまで− Created by staff01. Last modified on 2016-03-18 22:44:10 Copyright: Default |