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情報提供 : ポール・ジョバン






*署名にはお名前と所属をローマ字で次のサイトから送付していただくようお願いします** :
http://www.cefc.com.hk/rubrique.php?id=118&lg=fr* *技術上問題が起こった場合、直接お名前とご所属先を *<promotio@cefc.com.hk> まで送ってくださいませ。*





詳細は* Japan Focus* (USA)* *に載っているポステル=ヴィネイ氏とマーク・セルデン氏による最新の記事を参照ください :* **
http://www.japanfocus.org/-*Karoline*-Postel_Vinay/3349* 要約記事はHistory News Network (アメリカの歴史家のネット) を参照ください : * http://hnn.us/articles/126635.html* ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
 *In support of freedom of research* Researchers support their colleague* Karoline Postel-Vinay* who is being sued by the French Sasakawa Foundation (FFJDS) Our colleague Doctor Karoline Postel-Vinay, a well known scholar of contemporary Japan, senior research fellow at the Center for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po), is being sued for libel by the “Franco-Japanese Foundation so-called Sasakawa” (FFJDS). The FFJDS is part of a network of organizations all related to the late Sasakawa Ryôichi and all devoted to the memory of their founder. A former war criminal, Sasakawa was a well-known figure of Japanese ultra-nationalism and of the yakuza, the Japanese underworld. He worked and supported Japan’s Imperial Army in China, and because of his commitment to support Japan’s war of aggression in Asia, he was considered by the Allied Powers as “on of the worst offenders outside the military”. Sasakawa never expressed any regrets for his past. Today the Tokyo Foundation, the think tank of the Sasakawa network promotes literature that denies the Nanking Massacre, and other representatives of the network have publicly denied the criminality of the system of comfort women, and of other atrocities committed during the Pacific War. We believe that the manner in which the FFJDS has filed suit constitutes a strategy of intimidation that can only have a chilling effect on independent scholarship and academic freedom. Targeting just one person among a group of more than fifty signatories and making such financial claims (15,000 Euros) is not what one would expect from an institution whose raison d’être is ostensibly the support of French-Japanese scholarship and intellectual exchange. On the eve of a court decision whose consequences will be significant for academic freedom as well as for the establishment of diplomatic relations based on sound historical understanding, we affirm our support for Karoline Postel-Vinay. With her own determination, and with the help of other scholars from Europe, Asia and North America, she has undertaken the task of countering rigorously the charges filed by the FFJDS. We confidently anticipate that a rigorous examination by the court of the statements contained in the original petition will demonstrate that, far from being defamatory, they were based on facts, historical documents and strong evidence, and that the issues raised there are the purview not of the courts but of scholarship and intellectual debate. For more information on this case and the issues it raises, see Karoline’s article, written with Mark Selden, on *History News Network*:
http://hnn.us/articles/126635.html Or in a previous and longer version on *Japan Focus*:

*http://www.japanfocus.org/-Karoline-Postel_Vinay/3349* *To sign the petition, please go to the following homepage:* *http://www.cefc.com.hk/rubrique.php?id=118&aid=480*** * * If you have technical problem, please send an e-mail to < promotio@cefc.com.hk>, mentioning « petition KPV », your First Name, Last
Name and affiliation.

Created by staff01. Last modified on 2010-06-14 19:46:22 Copyright: Default


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